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The preservation of land resources is one of the key tasks of modern ecology. Lands perform many ecologically significant functions, such as climate regulation, water resource conservation, and biodiversity maintenance. Forests and other plant communities absorb carbon dioxide, helping to reduce the level of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere and slow global warming. Land ecosystems contribute to the regulation of water flows by filtering water and preventing floods. Plants protect soil from erosion, and lands provide habitats for many species of plants and animals, which is essential for the stability of ecosystems.


However, land resources face many threats, such as deforestation, pollution, climate change, and urbanization. These factors can lead to the loss of forest ecosystems, deterioration of soil and water quality, and reduction of habitats for wildlife. To protect lands, it is necessary to create protected areas, develop sustainable land use methods, and restore degraded lands. Education and awareness also play a crucial role in increasing public understanding of the importance of land resource conservation.